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The Big Lie Told By Online Marketers

by Laura Hemphill
August 7, 2020

You may have heard that there’s a lot of misinformation on the internet. (Surprise!) But most people don’t expect to find online misinformation in their digital marketing performance reports.Classic marketing...

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Diminishing Inventory Supply

by Meredith Steiner
July 9, 2020

There’s a lot of buzz in the automotive industry about inventory levels and the desperation dealers are feeling. Seeing that much of the available content was quotes, we thought a...

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Engage Service Leads with New Fixed Ops Features

by Faye Lillard
June 22, 2020

One of the most impressive things I find in working with automotive dealerships is their resilience. When shelter-in-place orders forced many dealers to temporarily close their sales floors, they shifted...

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Digital Retailing Is Half of the Story

by Pieter Hogeveen
June 12, 2020

You did it. Digital retailing is up and running for your dealership. People can officially buy cars from you online. That’s a good first step towards being flexible and working...

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