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What is Omni-Tracking and How Does It Work?

by Meredith Steiner
March 17, 2022

Learn how Foureyes Omni-Tracking connects website tracking to sales performance and gives you visibility into your quality leads so you can translate your marketing metrics to sales opportunities.

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3 Common Issues with Call Lists–And How to Fix Them

by Trevor Nagle
February 9, 2022

With demand high and inventory scarce, prioritizing leads has become more important than ever. It sounds easy–call the ones who are serious, skip the ones who aren’t–but it’s difficult for even the best salespeople to know who’s ready to pull the trigger.

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Recover Lost Leads from Abandoned Forms

by Chantel Lusby
August 3, 2021

A lead may fill out a form online but abandon it before finishing it. Saving abandoned forms and making sure they’re logged in your CRM can increase the number of leads in your sales funnel and enable your team to convert more sales through proactive follow up.

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