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3 Common Issues with Call Lists–And How to Fix Them

by Trevor Nagle
February 9, 2022

With demand high and inventory scarce, prioritizing leads has become more important than ever. It sounds easy–call the ones who are serious, skip the ones who aren’t–but it’s difficult for even the best salespeople to know who’s ready to pull the trigger.

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Sales Process Breakdown During High Demand

by Trevor Nagle
July 8, 2021

As inventory shortages continue, our data science team looked into the average unlogged sales leads (i.e. leads that didn’t get logged to the CRM) of dealership accounts month-over-month.

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Car Sales Data Worth Celebrating

by Laura Hemphill
April 16, 2021

Year-over-year sales data illustrates how the auto industry has recovered since the pandemic began in March 2020. Learn more with free, interactive data from Foureyes.

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How to Use Intent Data in Automotive

by Faye Lillard
February 23, 2021

For the past couple of years, intent data has bloomed into a major data category for sales and marketing. Yet, according to a study from TOPO, 67% of organizations struggle to make intent data actionable. In 2021, we believe that will change.

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